Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Plastic Pollution - Let's say 'NO' to plastic bags/packets

It is really heart breaking to see how much of a mess and damage we have caused and are continuing to do to our planet – Mother Earth.

‘Plastic Pollution’ is taking over and is our biggest crime.  But what can we do? We are so deep into it that it seems impossible to climb out.  We are surrounded by plastic: - keyboards, cell phones, grocery bags, water and cool drink bottles, food containers, shoes, hair accessories etc.   We so deep into it that we have even created plastic green grass/lawn and trees!!!

It seems like we are trying to convert nature – all that is pure to plastic – all that is damaging and unhealthy.  Are we not fooling ourselves…we are becoming plastic – Non- biodegradable!  We don’t realise how much “plastic” has become part of our lives and how much we depend on its use until you stop and take stock… shocking!!!

Sad to say my family and I have also been major contributors as well, we are sooo deep into it ourselves I wondered how to begin to make this change, then I realised…one step at a time…So my New Year’s Resolution for this year was;  ‘Say “No” to plastic bags/packets’, for starters. Must say it has not been so easy getting the family to remember to take the cloth bags with them when they went out shopping or to even use them, but slowly I see they are getting the hang of it.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all just say, “No” to plastic bags/packets, for now…Step One!

Anyway that was me having my say…please have a look at and share with your friends, if you likeJ.

Lots of love and please let’s say “No” to plastic bags/packets…